Sleep & Nutrition: How to improve SLEEP quality!!

-       Sleep is key for our mental and physical health in general . Research shows that Lack of sleep can affect obesity, cardiovascular disease, hypertension,  loss of energy, fatigue, mood swings, and can disturb our appetite!


-       Nutrition is key to regulate our sleep. Tryptophan is key amino acid which produce serotonin (which can be converted in the body to MELATONIN).


-       Melatonin is a hormone made by your body which plays a key role in regulating sleep and wakefulness! Studies showed that low tryptophan can contribute to anxiety, depression and mood disorders


-       Food sources:  Nuts (e.g. almonds, peanuts), seeds (e.g. sunflower seeds), oats, poultry, fish, eggs  &, dairy are main sources of tryptophan!! 


-       Fruits & vegetable, wholegrains and beans   also are source of naturally occruing melatonin which can contribute to proper sleep quality!!


-       Bananas are source of magnesium & potassium which are muscle  relaxants !!


-       Make sure to include a variety of these foods in your diet!!

✨Tips for you:


The herb chamomile can be helpful due to its flavonoid content (apigenin)


- Consuming a dairy product before bedtime can be helpful 


- Bananas are great source of potassium and magnesium which can help your muscles to relax and sleep better!!


- Fish ( Salmon & tuna)  contains vitamin B6 which helps melatonin production!!