✔They are non-sugar sweeteners that are sweeter than sugar, but have little or no caloric value. They are mostly present in Diet soda drinks ( fizzy drinks) , sugar free products ( e.g. gum).
✔Some studies showed that they can help people loose excess weight and lower diabetes risk.
✔But, overconsumption of artificial sweeteners can lead to high dependency on the strong sweet taste which cause us to loose enjoyment in foods with natural sweet foods such as: fruits.
✔Overconsumption of artificial sweeteners might cause an increase in our appetite and cravings
✔Increasing evidence suggests that artificial sweeteners do not activate the food reward pathways in the same fashion as natural sweeteners.
✔Also, Just because it's a 'diet' product doesn't mean you can eat a lot of or it’s the best for our health.
✔Focusing on one dietary component like sugar is not the ideal situation , but we should look at the whole diet to achieve optimal health goals.
✔Sugars can be added to your diet and can be enjoyed with a reasonable and sensible portions tailored to our needs.